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Bain Marie Hot Cupboard (Only Available in Luton)

Baine Marie Hot Cupboard D 295X295


£189.99 each

D 67cm | W 128.5 (137cm incl Handles) | H 90cm
D 26.4" | W 50.6" (54" incl Handles) | H 35.4"

Product Details

230v     3 Kw  13 amp Supplied with 3 pin 13 A plug BS 1363 A

External - Depth 67cm | Width 128.5 (137cm incl Handles) | Height 90cm

Comes with 3 Gastronome trays and lids or half section trays and lids as required.

Operating & Safety Leaflet
HAE Electrical Safety Testing Code of Practice 2012